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80% Nutrition + 20% Fitness = 100% Success


Get this equation right and your going to get the Results you have always dreamed of. Get it wrong, and you will be Extremely Frustrated!


At J3 Functional Fitness, we love the saying "You are what you Eat". Staying away from chemically altered, high sugar, and high processed foods, while eatting as much whole fruits and vegetables is one of the major Keys to Success to Acheiving you health goals.


To make sure we serve our clients fully, we offer Meal Preperation Service and Herbalife Nutrition Programs to make sure each clients not only gets to the results they want, but also keeps them as long as possible.



Herbalife Nutrition Programs


Herbalife® products are made from beneficial ingredients and developed using world-class scientific technology and research. Our protein shakes and snacks, vitamins and dietary supplements, energy and fitness drinks, and skin and hair care products, combined with healthy eating and exercise, can help you enjoy a lifetime of good health.




While science and research bolsters the quality of every Herbalife® product, their nutritional benefit begins with great ingredients. From seed to feed, we carefully select and evaluate ingredients for best value and result to our consumers. 


Whether it’s the antioxidant-packed green tea extract in Herbal Tea Concentrate or the omega-3 fatty acids in heart-healthy* Herbalifeline® softgels, Herbalife® products are supported by sound research.




With the increase concern of what is used to grow and produce the foods we eat, there is a growing need for high quality and affordable food. Herbalife has made its main priority to make sure the products offer all the nutrition you need to perform throughout the day.


All Herbalife Nutrition Programs are specifically targeted to each clients individual needs. So if you want to loose weight, increase energy, or just improve your overall nutrition intake, we can design a program for you.


Schedule a Free Consultantion today to see how Herbalife by calling



Meal Preperation Services


If you have to choose a meal at random, 99.9% of the time it will be unhealthy and processed.Meal Preperation service will allow you to never have to guest what you are eating next.


You will have pre-made REAL FOOD already prepared for you 3-5 days a week. That will include breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We can also include the snackes for inbetween meals to get the fat burning process going until your next meal. You will get 2 deliveries a week with your meals already cooked, in tubberware ready to enjoy.


Meal Preperation is one of the most important keys to staying on course to reaching your health goals.


To get more information on our Meal Preperation Service, contact us today at

424-800-4946.    424-800-4946

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